Getting Started
Welcome to Shake, we're so glad you're here. Let's get started!
Installing SDK
Learn how Shake works and performs in your app.
"User feedback" module
Testers and users can send you bug reports, questions and suggestions seamlessly.
"Crash reports" module
Receive stack trace, logs, users’ comments and more whenever your app crashes.
"App users" module and live chat
List of all your app users, their attributes and reported tickets, plus live chat.
Useful info on all the tools Shake integrates with.
Customizing SDK
Learn how to customize gestures, attach files, forward bugs to 3rd party tools.
From blurring to WiFi — learn everything about what the SDK sends.
Workspace Administration
Master workspaces, team and app management.
FAQs and Troubleshooting
A curated list of the most commonly asked questions by Shake customers.
Useful info on all the Shake's extensions
Not important to users - teaching AI