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Upload dSYM files using RunPhase script not working • Can't find
Upload dSYM files using RunPhase script not working • Can't find
Shake Typing avatar
Written by Shake Typing
Updated over a week ago

To ensure that the latest dSYM files are automatically uploaded after every build process, add a new Run Script Phase: Xcode → Scheme → EditScheme → expand the Build Action options → Post Actions → +

To upload dsyms files using RunScript, you need to add three pieces of information in the script:

  1. The path to the

  2. Client ID.

  3. Client Secret.

This way, you upload dSYM files to Shake servers, enabling your crash events to be deobfuscated.

The path to should look something like:


You can find the Client ID and Client Secret on your Dashboard under Workspace Administration.

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