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Shake glossary

Common terms that you might see as you work in Shake, or throughout this Help Center.

Peter Simic avatar
Written by Peter Simic
Updated over 9 months ago


Active app

Also know as just an  app  . It's your mobile application that has Shake SDK in it, unless it's archived in which case it becomes an  archived app  . You can see all active apps of a workspace by visiting Settings › Apps  .


A user role with a lot of assigned rights in a workspace, like the ability to connect integrations and archive apps. Unlike a  Member  user role, that has limited workspace rights.

Archived app

You can  archive  any app when you don't need it any more. When you archive an app:

  • you won't be able to access it on your Dashboard any more

  • users won't be able to report bugs in this app 

You can also  restore  the app later should you want to.

Attached files

Initially, every bug report has 1 file attached to it — a user's screenshot. However, you can instruct the SDK to attach any other custom file too. For example: XMPP logs, a user's profile photo or whatever you might want to inspect later on. Attached files will appear in the center of your web Dashboard.

Authentication to unlock device

This Essentials data tells you whether the user was or wasn't required to authenticate (using any of the authentication methods like Face ID, unlock pattern, Touch ID etc.) to unlock their device. It can be set to:

  • Required.  User had to authenticate.

  • Turned off.  User didn't have to authenticate i.e. the device isn't protected


Black Box

Just like before an airplane crash, Shake records a detailed environment profile covering the last 60 seconds before a bug was submitted. Black Box charts include device and app data, like memory load and connectivity status. You'll find it right below the bug screenshot.


An option inside the bug report form which allows a user to obscure parts of the screenshot they don't want to share with app developers.

Bundle ID

A unique application identifier, for example  . You can see your app's bundle ID in  Settings › Apps › Your app  .


Client ID and client secret

You can find these two random strings in  Settings › Workspace Settings › General  . They are used to successfully install Shake SDK into your mobile app and automatically connect your app to your web Dashboard. They are unique to your workspace — do not share them with anyone outside of it. 



A single place where all your bug reports arrive: 

A deep search bar is located at the very top of your web Dashboard and allows you to find bugs extremely quickly. Search bugs by their name, the app view they were reported from, the app version they were reported from, tags and so on.

Delete a bug

You can delete any bug from the Dashboard by clicking the small blue trash can icon below the name. Bugs are deleted permanently and can't be restored.



These are the data you receive with every bug report, out of the box. You will find every bug's Essentials listed on the right side of your web Dashboard, and they include: user's OS, location, memory status, etc.

Expand a section

Your Settings pages are made up from expandable sections. They behave like an accordion so you can expand (open up) and collapse (close) them.


Follow an app

Once you have turned on the  Bugs are reported in apps I follow  option (which is available in  Settings › My Account › Notifications  ), you have the ability to fine-tune which specific apps you want to follow. That means that you can be notified when bugs are reported in some apps while not being notified about bugs in other apps.

How to start following a particular app? Visit  Settings › Apps  and expand the app you want to start following. There, turn on the option  Email me when a bug is reported in this app  on, and you're done.

Free trial

If you and all your teammates want to try out Shake for an 2-week period, you can do so on the free trial, without adding a credit card. Once the trial is over, you'll be able to subscribe to one of our plans, for just $1 the first month.


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Inspect bug

An option inside the bug report form which allows a user to inspect Essentials of a bug right there on their device, without actually submitting the bug. It's something akin to the  Right click › Inspect element  feature on your web browser.


Shake plays nicely with the tools your team  already  uses. Set up any app to send you a Slack notification when a new bug arrives, create a new Jira issue in your project of choice, etc. To set this up, go to  Settings › Apps  and expand an app of your choice to see the available forwarding options.


If you have an  Admin  user role, you can invite new team members to the workspace. Visit  Settings › Workspace Settings › My team members  and click the  Invite new member  button to invite your new colleagues.


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Leave workspace

You can leave any workspace by visiting  Settings › Workspace Settings › My team members  and clicking the red  X  button next to your name. You can't undo the action so if you will want to rejoin the workspace in the future, you'll have to ask one of the workspace Admins to invite you again.



A user role with fairly limited rights in a workspace. For example, they can't connect integrations and archive apps. Unlike an  Admin  user role that has full workspace rights.



This section of your settings that is available under  Settings › My Account › Notifications  where you can tweak the email notifications you receive from Shake.


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Every app you have can be on: iOS, Android, Flutter, React Native or Web.


Quick Facts

Every app is unique so the Essentials sent with each bug report are often not enough. That's why the Shake SDK allows you to send yourself any variable you wish from tester's app to your web Dashboard using Quick Facts. It's a  String  object which you can shape any way you want, and you can put anything you want into it.


Remove a user

If you have an  Admin  user role in a workspace, you have the ability to remove other users from it. Visit  Settings › Workspace Settings › My team members  and click the red  X  next to their name to do so.

Remove a screenshot

To respect testers' privacy, there's an option inside the bug report form (on the  Wrap-up  screen in the  Attachments  section) which allows them to remove their screenshot. This way, the bug will be reported normally but without the screenshot. To remove the screenshot, a tester should tap  X  in the screenshot's top-right corner.

Rename an app

Renaming  an app on Shake does not change your app's actual name on the app store. You use it to tweak the display name of your app only inside Shake web Dashboard. Change any app's name by expanding that app in  Settings › Apps  and click the  Rename app  button.

Rename a bug

You can rename any bug to whatever you please by moving your mouse cursor over its current name on Dashboard and clicking it. Or, you can press  R  on your keyboard.


This optional Essentials data shows the email of the bug reporter (tester) if they have shared it with you.


When you archive an app, it goes to the  Archived Apps  page in your Settings. Should you decide you want to make the app active again, you can restore it.

When you restore an app:

  • it's visible on the Dashboard again

  • testers can report bugs in this app 


SDK version

This Essentials data tells you which Shake SDK version the tester has reported the bug with. Bear in mind that even though you might've put the latest Shake SDK version into your most recent app build, a tester might  still use an older app build  , which may have an outdated Shake SDK version. Nothing to worry about, testers will catch up eventually.



Add tags to a bug to categorize it, and make it more organized and discoverable later.

You can add tags to a bug by moving your mouse cursor over the bug's current tags — or a  No tags  placeholder if the bug has no tags yet — on Dashboard and clicking it. Or, you can press  T  on your keyboard.


A person testing your app and submitting its bugs via Shake.


Unfollow an app

Unfollowing an app means that you want to stop being emailed when bugs are reported in it. To unfollow a particular app, visit  Settings › Apps  and expand the app you want to unfollow. There, turn off the option  Email me when a bug is reported in this app  , and you're done.

If you want to unfollow all apps in a workspace with a single click, visit  Settings › My Account › Notifications  and turn off the option  Email me when bugs are reported in apps I follow  . 


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A Shake workspace is a hub where you and your team members  work together  on your apps. If you work in multiple teams or want to keep apps separate for any other reason, feel free to create or join as many different workspaces as you'd like.


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